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    Buying or Selling? We deliver bank beating savings on transfers.

    We can deliver up to 5% more local funds to buy your property or pay for construction work.

    Save up to 90% of High Street costs now!
          Call Us
    Give our friendly dealers a call 24 hours a day and let them give you the best rates, advice and personal service in the market.

    Call and plan for your future transactions - buy/sell forward.

    Call: +44 (0)2070992375

    Now that you have found the perfect overseas property to buy you will have to deal with foreign lawyers and unfamiliar purchase practices – this can be stressful.

    Take a look at the table below to see the extra cash you will receive when you make your purchase transfer through HyperWire.

    Savings over High Street GBP to EUR
    GBP Amount 100,000 250,000 750,000 2,000,000
    +5,560 +17,375 +62,550 +166,800
    Note: Savings are shown in the converted currency (EUR) at rate 1.3900 as at 24th April 2015

    The savings that you will make could pay for some renovation work, or mean that you can buy that new kitchen or bathroom after all.

    So, keep one part simple - let HyperWire ensure that you have the very best exchange rate to buy it with!

    Then trust Hyperwire to deliver your funds quickly and efficiently, along with our friendly professional service.

    Monthly payments

    If you have an overseas mortgage we can manage those monthly payments for you too. We will set up your payments and manage your currency purchases to deliver maximum savings for you. No more worry or hassle every month, just leave it to us to get it right.

    french home


    If you are selling your overseas property and bringing the money back home, we can make sure that you receive far more than you might have received from moving it to your UK bank in the usual way.

    Lock in your rate

    You can lock in your savings and stop worrying about fluctuating exchange rates by forward purchasing your currency. We will help you by quoting our highly competitive exchange rates and by providing one of our expert dealers to help you to optimise the timing of your foreign currency purchases.

    Remember …

    The exchange rate that you see on Google, in the papers or on the news is the ‘interbank rate’ or a mid rate and it is not a rate available to companies or individuals.

    We buy our currency at a wholesale rates and we pass on the savings we receive from bulk buying or matching trades to our customers.

    Whether you trade online or over the phone with us you will be quoted a fixed price for the currency you wish to buy or sell, and what you see is very much what you get.

    Although exchange rates change every few seconds, when we agree a rate with you – that’s the rate you’ll get.

    Hyperwire Ltd is registered in England Number 09446585. Hyperwire Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner under the UK Data Protection Act. Registration Number ZA117049. Card Services MasterCard and the MasterCard Brand Mark are registered trademarks of MasterCard International Incorporated. The Card is issued by Wirecard Card Solutions Ltd ("WDCS") pursuant to licence by MasterCard International Inc. WDCS is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to conduct electronic money service activities under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (Ref: 900051) © 2010-2025 HyperWire Limited. All Rights Reserved.